Saturday 27 April 2013


love cartoon photo
Image by Enokson
I found my View-Master from the early 1970’s with a few discs still intact (see my other photo for the original container). Still works great!

The disc reels are of The Flintstones, Donald Duck, Chip and Dale, The Nativity, and The Big Blue Marble (television show), and Herbie the Love Bug.

love cartoon photo
Image by Rakka

everthing is so *AWESOME!*


(i love that you put halloweeny confetti inside! :D!)

Fire hydrant
love cartoon photo
Image by Jonathan O'Donnell
I loved the use of cartoon charaters in Japanese signage.

This is one of the first photos that I took when we arrived in the country. We had just come out of the railway station and these little guys were right under my feet, embedded in the footpath. I was very impressed. It was a great welcome to Tokyo.

For a little more information, see my Multimedia in Japan page.

16 things about me version2.0
love cartoon photo
Image by nettsu
And so another 16 things about me (thanks Jaysen -> ) – just as well I would never overshare personal information on the interwebs.

1.I’m probably a bit odd for a Sagittarian in that I have not traveled that much (or what I think is that much). As an adult, I’ve been to Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and the States. I want to go to Europe & Japan (as well as back to the US – I’m hankering to see Palm Springs & Hawaii).
2.I partied through my late 20s and early 30s to the point where I would go on 3 day benders – not a high point in my life to be honest.
3.The hardest thing I have ever done was quit smoking. It’s been 2 and a half years and I still want a cigarette :-/
4.I tend to ramble on & on & on when I get nervous. I was that nervous on my first date with Larry that I was telling him about the horrid gross gingivitis disease I had earlier that year… I was very lucky he agreed to a second date.
5.I love cartoons! Have done since I was a kid. I think it has something to do with the fact that I wasn’t allowed to watch cartoons when I was a kid. I don’t watch that many now as it annoys Larry (apart from the simpsons, futurama, family guy & American Dad).
6.I love Coopers Sparkling Ale (to the point we named Cooper after the beer).
7.I hate ringing people – I will generally not make phonecalls unless I have too (exception to that is Larry). I think it’s because I spent 3 years working on a helpdesk and I hated that job like you wouldn’t believe.
8.I have a “thing” for Americans and American accents!
9.As I get older – I’ve noticed that I am becoming more conservative and I tend to cry a lot more (maybe I’m more in touch with my emotions)
10.I really want to start a family with Larry – I want to be a daddy :) On this we've had three attempts through surrogacy - attempt #1 miscarried at 15 weeks, attempt #2 was a dud and attempt #3 looks to be a dud (just waiting on confirmation that our surrogate has miscarried - last test result wasn't good)
11.I’m a car nut – I love cars and I have a knack of knowing what car is what (it’s a really really useless talent) – a highpoint still was when I got invited to the launch of the new Mini in Brisbane, I was in geek heaven, I still have the name badge…
12.I’m a lazy photographer – I should learn more about photography but I get lazy and rest on my laurels (or my self-delusion of being a good photographer).
13.I talk to myself, I also have half-conversations. I have a conversation in my head and then don’t realise that I’m speaking.
14.I love bacon! I turned vegetarian for a couple of years and caved because I craved bacon so much although I’m still a bit funny about red meat.
15.I hate flossing – everytime I see my oral hygienist I get a lecture about not flossing – so I floss for a couple of weeks and then get sick of it
16.I love giving people presents

Isla Menorca
love cartoon photo
Image by Ramona.Forcella
with Locke :)

and the story about this scene ishere

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