Tuesday 23 April 2013

Cool Cartoon Face From Photo images

Kent Conrad - Caricature
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Gaylord Kent Conrad, aka Kent Conrad, is the senior United States Senator from North Dakota. Senator Conrad is a Democratic member of the 2011 Gang of Six.

The source image for this caricature of Senator Conrad is a photo in the public domain taken by Pete Souza and available via the White House blog.

Mike Crapo - Caricature
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Michael Dean Crapo, aka Mike Crapo, is the senior United States Senator from Idaho. Senator Crapo is a Republican member of the 2011 Gang of Six.

The source image for this caricature of Senator Crapo is Creative Commons license photo from Saeima's Flickr Photostream.

Jim DeMint - Caricature
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
James Warren DeMint, aka Jim DeMint, is the junior U.S. Senator from South Carolina.

Born: September 2, 1951
Height: 5'9"
Shoe Size: TBD
Body Type: Mesomorph
Hair Color: Black? Brown? (He aspires to Ronald Reagan hair)
Eye Color: Brown
Party: Republcian (GOP)

The source image for this caricature is a public domain image from the U.S. Marine Corps.

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