Saturday 6 April 2013

Cool How To Cartoon My Photo images

Exploded Pants
how to cartoon my photo
Image by VeldaZ
Various things i almost always have on me.

My glasses are missing from this photo, as they are on my face. ^^

also check out my Exploded Bag and Exploded Cary On.

George Bush, Chimp
how to cartoon my photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
George Bush as a Chimp chuckling while tearing up the Constitution.

The source image for the chimp in this image is a Creative Commons licensed photo from lightmatter's flickr photostream.

I was interviewed by the Daily Dot. In the interview I talked about this image. The article that came out of that abbreviated what I said about this image.

Here is the some context:

...If a lot of people commented on an image I would take that to mean that I had done something right. I also had some negative feedback that was helpful. I did an image of Hillary Clinton in an asbestos pants suit. I believe Hillary had used that imagery herself in a debate in Las Vegas.

I showed Hillary in the asbestos pants suit and I had flames lapping around her. I got a lot of negative comments about that image. Women in particular compared it to burning witches and thought the image was out of bounds. There were similar reactions to an image of Diane Feinstein wearing adult dipers with logos of defense contractors. At the time I was concerned about Feinstein's participation in passing the Patriot Act.
There were other images that caused negative reactions for similar reasons. I took this criticism to heart. It lead me to conclude that certain imagery can be perceived to promote stereotypes. If I want to use them, I should have a really good reason and be prepared to defend them. If use of a stereotype blinds the viewer from my message then I am not successfully communicating. I received a lot of negative reaction in other places to an image of George Bush as a chimp.

People who want to justify posting images of Obama as a monkey like to point to that image as an example of a double standard. I would take that image down because it is not something I would create today, but I leave it up to make a point. There is no equivalence between portraying Bush as a chimp vs. Obama. If you don't understand why then you are ignorant of how those images have been used to justify slavery in America.

Also this
...I really it felt like every day there was more news revealing how the Bush team practiced crony capitalism and would sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve their ends. Some of the most galling acts were the Iraq War, the Bush Tax Cuts and the gutting of regulations. There is a great list at In These Times that chronicles the actions of the Bush Administration titled, “A Timeline of Failure.”

Uhh Dizzy, you are looking the wrong way...
how to cartoon my photo
Image by Amy Dianna
Or, how Dizzy would look with no face :P

By the way, in all the photos he is standing up all by himself.

To get the easy free pattern visit my blog:

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