Friday 19 April 2013

Romney Ryan Plan Cat Food

Romney Ryan Plan Cat Food
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Purrrrrrrrrfect for Seniors. Romney Ryan Pan Cat Food includes NO MEDICARE. Open at your own risk. With Romney Ryan plan in the can, not only will seniors learn to enjoy feline cuisine, but they can experience the thrill of paying skyrocketing insurance rates or just foregoing health care!

Grandma image adapted from a photo by Alfred Palmer available at the Library of Congress. Pet food can is adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo in Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue's Flickr photostream. The flag background is from the White House website.

Lamar Alexander - Caricature
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Andrew Lamar Alexander, aka Lamar Alexander, is a United States Senator from Tennessee and Conference Chair of the Republican Party.

The source image for this caricature is a photo in the public domain available from Wikipedia.

2012 New Hampshire Republican Primary Top Five - Caricatures
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
2012 New Hampshire Republican Primary Top Five

Read more about the results for the 2012 New Hampshire Republican Primary.

Approximate totals:
Mitt Romney39%
Ron Paul23%
Jon Huntsman17%
Newt Gingrich9%
Rick Santorum9%

Source photos:
Huntsman - CC from World Economic Forum's flickr photostream.
Santorum - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Perry - CC from Robert Scoble's Flickr photostream.m.
Ron Paul - Paul - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Gingrich - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Romney - CC - from from Matthew Reichbach's Flickr photostream.

NOTE: CC = Creative Commons licensed photo

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