Sunday 28 April 2013

Nice Love Cartoon Photo photos

Mitt Mobile running over Big Bird on way out of Denver
love cartoon photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Mitt Romney, is pictured here, in Etch-A-Sketch mode, driving his 80's model Chevy station wagon on the road to Election Day 2012. He is accompanied by his wife Ann Romney, running mate Paul Ryan, and one of his major benefactors Sheldon Adelson. Adelson is one of the Election Robber Barons flooding political Super Pacs with cash in 2012. Sheldon is making everyone uncomfortable by incessantly asking Daddy Mitt, "Are we President yet?" Ann Romney has an adhesive bandage over her lips "so that people don't get tired of her." Paul Ryan is leaning as far to the right as he can to separate himself from Romney. His worried face is out the window and he is waving a sign that says, "Ryan 2016 - TeaPublican Party." The Republican elephant is strapped to the roof of the wagon in an RNC pet carrier. We are fortunate not to be able to see the streaming effluent being evacuated by the terrified animal. Romney is not worried about damage to the baggage that has fallen from the roof after the rear tire went flat when he ran over a chair in the road. Or was it a video camera?. He blithely puts the pedal to the metal unconcerned about damage to 47 percent of Americans, Detroit and the American auto industry, women's rights, teachers, gay rights, Social Security, Medicare, etc. Black Americans are not even visible in his rear view mirror. Romney does hold on tight to protect his copy of the Book of Mormon. The Mitt Mobile showed signs of wear and tear after so many hard miles, but came out of Denver looking much better. The tire was fixed, a Turbo Lievinator was installed and the after a complete detailing an "I heart Denver" sticker was slapped on. The stickers from the Cayman Islands and Switzerland are still a little soiled. You can barely read the "I would rather Bank in Switzerland" sticker. They took a little hit running over Big Bird as they got back on the freeway. The license plate is a vanity item, "Money Ayn 2012." The wagon sports a BAIN grill, a dollar sign hood ornament and Etch-A-Sketch wheel covers. The group will stop to refuel again at the Kentucky Debate Centre. They are looking forward to a friendly reception and still count on the cookies from 7-11 giving them continued confidence and energy.

Source images adapted:
- Mitt Romney caricature CC from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
- Paul Ryan caricature CC from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
- Ann Romney caricature CC from
- Sheldon Adelson caricature CC avaiable via Wikimedia.
- Elephant caricature CC from Visnu Pitiyanuvath's Flickr photostream.
- Station Wagon CC avaiable via Wikimedia.

CC = Creative Commons licensed photo

Korean Candy Fun!
love cartoon photo
Image by Aoife city womanchile
Hooray for the guy who saw me taking this photo this morning. He gazed in wonder at what I was doing, and then smiled at me.
See, this is the kind of reaction I like. Too many times people ask what I am doing, and then get all confused when I explain.
The best are certain older women (50's +), who just shake their heads and mutter something about me taking photos of garbage.
Ladies, it's interesting garbage!

27/02/2009 (Day 3.58) - The New Adventures Of Kaptain Kobold (Part 6)
love cartoon photo
Image by Kaptain Kobold
Ninjas or Pirates? My Lego avatar settles the argument once and for all ...

For earlier adventures see the set somewhere over there on the right.

Created with fd's Flickr Toys. Sort of.

A year ago today I was wearing my wife's knickers. Allegedly.

Finland, Helsinki. Suomi men.
love cartoon photo
Image by SoniaT 360.
Loved that FInnish use in their advertising the cartoon-version of their big Suomi Men(aka, men with balls) that guard Helsinki's train station.

I couldn't find the history behind them. I shall find out. They are quite intriguing.

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