Sunday 3 February 2013

Rick Perry - Cartoon

Rick Perry - Cartoon
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
James Richard Perry, aka Rick Perry, is the 47th Governor of Texas. Perry is a Republican candidate for President of the United States.

Source images:
CCs from Robert Scoble, U.S. Army, and cliff1066.

Brian Moynihan - Cartoon
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Brian Thomas Moynihan, aka Brian Moynihan, is an American lawyer, businessman and the President and CEO of Bank of America.

The source image for this caricature of Brian Moynihan is a Creative Commons Licensed photo from the World Economic Forum's Flickr photostream.

Barack Obama - Cartoon
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Caricature - Barack Obama the Samurai President: Myth in the mist

Barack Hussein Obama II, aka Barack Obama, is the 44th president of the United States of America.

The source images for this caricature of President Barack Obama are from: the United States Embassy in Ottawa, the Library of Congress and the Whitehouse website.

Mitt Romney - Cartoon
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Willard Romney - Segway Polo Warrior

Willard Mitt Romney, aka Mitt Romney, is a former Governor of Massachusetts and a perenial Republican presidential candidate. He is a Republican presidential candidate for 2012.

The source image for this caricature is a Creative Commons licensed photo from Matthew Reichbach's Flickr photostream. The source for the seqway player is a Creative Commons license photo from Liz Quilty's Flickr photostream.

Scott Walker - Cartoon
cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
The Madison Mugger


Scott Kevin Walker aka Scott Walker aka The Madison Mugger is the 45th Governor of Wisconsin. In a recent phone call about union busting, Republican Governor Walker bragged about having a slugger with his name on it in his office.

Faux David Koch: Bring a baseball bat. That’s what I’d do.
Walker: I have one in my office; you’d be happy with that. I got a Slugger with my name on it.
Faux David Koch: Beautiful.

Full Transcript

The source image for this caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from's flickr photostream

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