Friday 22 February 2013

Cool Cartoon Me Photo images

tapestry cartoon
cartoon me photo
Image by slowlysheturned
Tonight I made a cartoon of the photo I took yesterday for a small tapestry. I made a pin loom frame out of a sheet of foam core board. The pins will go across the top and bottom of the design. I like to use foam core board because it is very light and it's easier on my injured elbow. This is four panels thick with a window cut out of just the top panel.

I'm heading out for a 3 day vacation early in the morning and will be offline until Sunday night. I hope that I'll have some interesting art work to post!

cartoon me photo
Image by noodlepie
Hugh Macleod on my phone. I grabbed the cartoon from here:

I flit between using this cartoon and this


Bird cartoon
cartoon me photo
Image by
I thought I recorded how this was done in the description but apparently not. I know I used the Poster Edges filter in CS3. I'm sure I did some other stuff but I don't recall what. The original image on which this version is based can be seen here.

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