Sunday 17 February 2013

20091231 - New Year's Eve Chili Cook-Off - John, Clint (picking Xavier-Renegade Angel's nose)- (by Parthena) - 4236960275_016b10ee36_b

20091231 - New Year's Eve Chili Cook-Off - John, Clint (picking Xavier-Renegade Angel's nose)- (by Parthena) - 4236960275_016b10ee36_b
cartoon of photo
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Who can resist? Xavier:Renegade Angel's nose is soooo big! John The Canadien later used a crop of this as his userpic on Facebook.

Clint, John.
picking nose.
Xavier Renegade Angel shirt.
cartoon: Xavier Renegade Angel.

December 31, 2009.
Pic by Parthena.
Originally posted at

... Read my blog at

... Read John The Canadien's blog at
... View John The Canadien's photos at
... Read Parthena's blog at
... View Parthena's photos at

20090701 - X-Day - GEDC0188 - Brushwood driving tour - Aku-like statue
cartoon of photo
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
This statue reminds us of Aku from Samurai Jack! Too bad it's blurry!

statue, tent.
cartoon: Samurai Jack.
Church Of The SubGenius. blurry.

Brushwood Folklore Center, Sherman, New York.

July 1, 2009.

... Read my blog at

BACKSTORY: We went to X-Day again this year. It was a totally different experience than last year. It rained for the first three days we were there, but then it got really nice for the weekend. It was never overbearingly hot.

...Read my blog summary of this year's X-Day here:

... High quality pictures of X-Day by George Burgyan here:

... Pictures of the previous year's X-Day begin on this page:

20090228 - Carolyn's 33rd birthday party - 178-05 - Jesse, Alan, Dave W, Mark, Tabbitha, Anna, Melanie S - (by Christian D)
cartoon of photo
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
As usual, everyone gathered in the kitchen, as seen at

Alan, Anna, Christian, David, Jesse, Melanie, Tabbitha.
eating, standing, talking.
cartoon: Beavis And Butt-head.

kitchen, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

February 28, 2009.
Pic by Christian D.

... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at

... View Christian and Shannon's photos at
... View Jesse's MySpace at
... View Tabbitha's photos at

BACKSTORY: Carolyn almost skipped her party this year after there were so many annoyances after Clint's party. But she decided to go through with it, and a good time was had by all. The only casualty was that a piece of furniture met it's demise.

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