Wednesday 6 February 2013

Nice Cartoon My Photo photos

original King Gouty Toe
cartoon my photo
Image by DanCentury
here's the original version of my King Gouty Toe illustration with the "Pac Man" style eye.

Here's the old-school version

G.Th. Rotman at the Haagse Kunstacademie (Hague Academy of Art) , 1911 Art Class Photo, Den Haag, Netherlands
cartoon my photo
Image by Yvonne Thompson
Back Row: far left my Grandfather, Gerrit Rotman. He would be about 18 years old.

Written on the back of photo:

van links n. Rechts:

Bovenste rij: G.Th Rotman, Steenhouwer , Th. Schavers,
A. van ’t Hoff, mej. van Nieuwkuyk, G.W. van Ruijk

Middelste rij Mej. Meulemans, L[se]. de Vicq, M. Bruigom,

Onderste rij. C.Chr. Groot, H. van de Wissel.

26 Juni 1911
[Ondertekend] G.Th. Rotman

Family album F32

Who do you really dream of?
cartoon my photo
Image by SimonWhitaker
In my wallet I have a photo of Tash and Beti, and behind that, my true love...

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