Wednesday 16 January 2013

Nice Turn Photo In Cartoon photos

20101024 1228 - Carolyn, Clint - (by Parthena) - IMG_1813
turn photo in cartoon
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Happy to be all set up in our campsite!

You can still see the damage to the blurry tree on the left [with the sticker on it] from when Kipp pulled a big strip of it's skin off over 4 years ago, and then tied it around Carolyn's head, as seen in the pic at

The sticker on it looks like something I'd typically do -- but the size is small, and Homey don't do small. So I wonder who put it on there?

Carolyn, Clint.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force shirt, Men In Black shirt, sticker, tree abuse.

Elizabeth Furnace, George Washington National Forest, Virginia.

October 24, 2010.
Pic by Parthena.

... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at

... Read Parthena's blog at
... View Parthena's photos at

... View my camping-related blog posts at

BACKSTORY: Great camping trip with Clint & Carolyn, Eli & Parthena, Dan & Erin, Evan, TwoBeans, and of course Oranjello & Lemonjello.

This trip was full of firsts! Things that happened that had never happened before! The 2nd gate (complete with bullet holes) was mysteriously open for the first time ever. We heard sirens for the first time ever. An ambulance skulked around for hours, and pulled up on the path by our campsite, making a 20-point U-turn. First time we ever saw a real vehicle on the road. Apparently someone had to be rescued this weekend. The ambulance created paranoia: When the moon rose, atleast one member of our party was convinced that it was a spotlight. It was also TwoBeans's first time camping with us here. It was also the first time Evan arrived before we did; he couldn't find the site and went on a pleasant extended hike. It was the first time Clint had to turn down Eli's food, because he appetite was destroyed by ordering too much food at Sheetz and running late. It was the first time Evan came up with no stuff at all, as he had planned to go to his cabin. But didn't; other people volunteered an extra sleeping bag, so he slept in his car. He left rather suddenly, causing Clint to walk to the path yelling his name out wondernig where he'd went. It was the first time in a long time that we forgot to bring and set up our hammock.

Other than that, things were pretty normal. The moon was so full you could pee without a flashlight if you were so inclined. Cloud cover later made the stargazing not as good, but 5 out of 8 of us took a night walk down to Evan's car anyway. Despite the late-October date and forecast low of 49 degrees, it was actually warmer at night than many camping trips; Clint only wore 3 of his 7 layers -- UNLIKE at X-Day. We only saw one set of people riding horses. The creek was not running. Eli made awesome food. Last man standing was TwoBeans.

Tutu crazy
turn photo in cartoon
Image by Chapendra
Yes, Tina I want the tutu next!

Funny .. I never really cared for these traveling [insert whatever].
When I saw this tutu it was a different story! I've decided I wont be disappointed if I don't get it, I'll just enjoy whom ever gets it living vicariously.

See 0365days photo when I post it later, it will be tutu crazy as well!

December Self Portrait
turn photo in cartoon
Image by :mrMark:
I got an invite to the monthly self-portrait group, which doesn't sit that comfortably with this mostly shy (unless I'm acting with my drama group mates) man. But I like the challenge of it, so I'm sort of cheating for this month.. but it IS a photo ;-)
The portrait is me, I even disconnected one of my ears to represent the lack of feeling I have in it still, after a tumour op some months ago. And it is typical me that I got the wrong ear, forgetting the mirror-image effect, so a pretty accurate portrayal as it turns out.
I drew it on an old copy of the literature section of the weekend Guardian, to show that my aspirations of being an author rarely get further than reading about others.

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