Wednesday 9 January 2013

Nice Make A Photo Cartoon photos

Bibi Shows Cartoon of Mass Destruction to UN
make a photo cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Bibi Netanyahu makes a speech before the United Nations.

Is this another NEO-CON-JOB? I remember the last time a leader was showing cartoons to the UN to make an argument.

Benjamin Netanyahu, aka Bibi Netanyahu, is the Prime Minister of Israel.

The source image for this caricature of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a photo in the public domain available via Wikimedia. The UN background is adapted from a Creative Commons licensed photo by Presidencia de la Nación Argentina available via Wikimedia.

Voting Screen - Cartoon
make a photo cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Electronic voting system screen. Pointing finger of hand making vote selection on touch screen. Features candidates for President including: Boughtin Paidfor, Stew G. O'Wallstree, Christian Poser, and Petro L. Cashman. Also displays candidates for Governor including: Alec Bagman, David Kochpawn, Charles Kochbot, and August Foxhost.

NOTE: If a company exists that is named "Election Systems, Inc." it is not my intention to represent this image as an actual product illustration. I chose the name "Election Systems, Inc." because I don't think that is a real company.

Super Congress / Committee - Cartoon Logo & Caricatures
make a photo cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Super Committee or Super Committee

The United States Congress Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, aka the Super Committee, aka the Super Congress, is a one of the outcomes of the debt-ceiling "crisis" orchestrated to distract U.S. citizens from the lack of jobs, rising cost of living and rampant corporate/government corruption. The Super Committee will provide an opportunity for lobbyists to focus all their influence on a smaller number of legislators. Given the fact that Republicans all vote in lock-step, only one Democrat is needed to hand over total victory. The goal of the Super Committee it to make budgetary recommendations for legislation to be voted on by Congress as a whole. According to Wikipedia, "The committee's recommendations would then be put to a vote by Congress in a simple up or down vote, without any amendments or House 'majority of the majority' blocks or Senate filibusters possible, by December 23, 2011."

Senate Members
Max Baucus, Montana, Democrat,
John Kerry, Massachusetts, Democrat
Jon Kyl, Arizona, Republican
Patty Murray, Washington, Co-Chair, Democrat
Rob Portman, Ohio, Republican
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania, Republican

House Members
Xavier Becerra, California, Democrat
Dave Camp, Michigan, Republican
Jim Clyburn, South Carolina, Democrat
Jeb Hensarling, Texas, Co-Chair, Republican
Fred Upton, Michigan, Republican
Chris Van Hollen, Maryland, Democrat

Source images for carictures:
Senator Murry - a photo in the public domain available via Wikimedia.
Congressman Hensarling - a photo in the public domain from the United States Congress available via Wikimedia.
Senator Kyl - a Creative Commons licensed photo from Saeima's Flickr photostream.
Senator Baucus - a photo in the public domain available from the U.S. Senate website.
Senator Portman - a photo in the public domain from the United States Senate available via Wikimedia.
Senator Kerry - a Creative Commons licensed photo from Πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας' Flickr Photostream.
Senator Toomey - a photo in the public domain available via Wikipedia.
Congressman Becerra - a photo in the public domain available via Wikipedia.
Congressman Camp - a photo in the public domain available via Wikipedia.
Congressman Clyburn - a photo in the public domain available via Wikipedia.
Congressman Upton - a Creative Commons licensed photo from iomechallenge's Flickr photostream.
Congressman Van Hollen - a photo in the public domain available via Wikipedia.

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