Thursday 3 January 2013

Cool Photo Cartoon Online images

CISPA - The solution is the problem
photo cartoon online
Image by DonkeyHotey
CISPA - another bad law that undermines citizen rights while purporting to solve a problem.

"They" won't be satisfied until they completely bypass the 4th Ammendment. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." This is part of a never ending rain of over broad legal maneuvers designed to limit citizen's rights of property and free speech including: SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, the DMCA, Sonny Bono Act and more.

Read more about it: CISPA Isn’t ‘Son of SOPA’ (But That’s Not Saying Much) by Brock N. Meeks on Wired Threat Level.

The source image for the truck in this cartoon is a Creative Commons licensed photo from Joelk75's Flickr Photostream.

GOP Presidential Debate June 13, 2011 in New Hampshire
photo cartoon online
Image by DonkeyHotey
The Candidates: Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty

See the complete DonkeyHotey set of GOP 2012 Presidential Candidate art..

This graphic includes declared and potential Republican presidential candidates as outlined on this Wikipedia Page on June, 2011.

The Reviews are in for the June 13, 2011 Republican Debate in New Hampshire

Washington Post: Chris Cillizza - New Hampshire Republican debate: Winners and losers.

NY Times: Fact Checking the Republican Debate.

LA Times: GOP rivals in debate bypass chance to slam front-runner Mitt Romney.

CBS News: Obama and the economy targeted at GOP debate.

Huffington Post: New Hampshire Debate: Mitt Romney Untouched By Rivals, Goes On Offense Against Obama.

Washington Post: Republican presidential candidates attend first debate.

WSJ: Live Blogging the Republican Debate.

Live Coverage of the June 13, 2011 Republican Debate in New Hampshire

CNN: CNN Politics live coverage at 8PM Eastern.

News about the June 13, 2011 Republican Debate in New Hampshire

UnionLeader: 7 possible GOP presidential hopefuls will debate June 13.

Saint Anselm College: Saint Anselm to Host Republican Debate June 13.

CBS News: The Republican debate: 10 things to watch.

FOX News: Gary Johnson Excluded from June 13 CNN Debate.

DailyKos: Pawlenty previews debate attack: 'ObamneyCare'.

RedState: Get Ready for the Debate.

Huffington Post: 5 Things To Watch At The New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary Debate.

ABC News: GOP Debate: What to Watch for in New Hampshire.

LA Times: Republicans trade barbs before New Hampshire debate.

AP: GOP field anything but steady as NH debate nears

CNN: John King previews NH Debate Debate season heating up

Variety: Debate season heating up

ABC News: Politics Next Week: The First Real GOP Debate and the Rick Perry Question

CNN: Candidates Announced for First New Hampshire GOP Primary Debate

TPMDC: Ready Or Not, GOP (And America) — Here Comes Michele Bachmann

Slate: Peg the Primary Debate Invites to Facebook Fans, Not Polls

CNN: CNN, SRLC to Host Republican Presidential Town Hall Debate

WSJ: June 13 NH debate includes 7 GOP hopefuls

TPMDC: Bachmann To Join GOP Debate In New Hampshire On June 13

Mediaite: Jon Huntsman Announcement Expected After June 13 GOP Debate

The American Independent: Karger presses CNN for debate invitation

Source Images:

The source image for the Michele Bachmann caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Mitt Romney caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image by Jessica Rinaldi from Mitt Romney Media via Wikimedia

The source image for the Newt Gingrich caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Rick Santorum caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Ron Paul caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Tim Pawlenty caricature is public domain image from Patsy Lynch via Wikimedia.

GOP Presidential Debate June 13, 2011 in New Hampshire
photo cartoon online
Image by DonkeyHotey
The Candidates: Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty

See the complete DonkeyHotey set of GOP 2012 Presidential Candidate art..

This graphic includes declared and potential Republican presidential candidates as outlined on this Wikipedia Page on June, 2011.

The Reviews are in for the June 13, 2011 Republican Debate in New Hampshire

Washington Post: Chris Cillizza - New Hampshire Republican debate: Winners and losers.

NY Times: Fact Checking the Republican Debate.

LA Times: GOP rivals in debate bypass chance to slam front-runner Mitt Romney.

CBS News: Obama and the economy targeted at GOP debate.

Huffington Post: New Hampshire Debate: Mitt Romney Untouched By Rivals, Goes On Offense Against Obama.

Washington Post: Republican presidential candidates attend first debate.

WSJ: Live Blogging the Republican Debate.

Live Coverage of the June 13, 2011 Republican Debate in New Hampshire

CNN: CNN Politics live coverage at 8PM Eastern.

News about the June 13, 2011 Republican Debate in New Hampshire

UnionLeader: 7 possible GOP presidential hopefuls will debate June 13.

Saint Anselm College: Saint Anselm to Host Republican Debate June 13.

CBS News: The Republican debate: 10 things to watch.

FOX News: Gary Johnson Excluded from June 13 CNN Debate.

DailyKos: Pawlenty previews debate attack: 'ObamneyCare'.

RedState: Get Ready for the Debate.

Huffington Post: 5 Things To Watch At The New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary Debate.

ABC News: GOP Debate: What to Watch for in New Hampshire.

LA Times: Republicans trade barbs before New Hampshire debate.

AP: GOP field anything but steady as NH debate nears

CNN: John King previews NH Debate Debate season heating up

Variety: Debate season heating up

ABC News: Politics Next Week: The First Real GOP Debate and the Rick Perry Question

CNN: Candidates Announced for First New Hampshire GOP Primary Debate

TPMDC: Ready Or Not, GOP (And America) — Here Comes Michele Bachmann

Slate: Peg the Primary Debate Invites to Facebook Fans, Not Polls

CNN: CNN, SRLC to Host Republican Presidential Town Hall Debate

WSJ: June 13 NH debate includes 7 GOP hopefuls

TPMDC: Bachmann To Join GOP Debate In New Hampshire On June 13

Mediaite: Jon Huntsman Announcement Expected After June 13 GOP Debate

The American Independent: Karger presses CNN for debate invitation

Source Images:

The source image for the Michele Bachmann caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Mitt Romney caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image by Jessica Rinaldi from Mitt Romney Media via Wikimedia

The source image for the Newt Gingrich caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Rick Santorum caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Ron Paul caricature is a Creative Commons licensed image from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.

The source image for the Tim Pawlenty caricature is public domain image from Patsy Lynch via Wikimedia.

Piraten, als Cartoon!
photo cartoon online
Image by playroughde
einsendung zum photowettbewerb unter:

photo cartoon online
Image by playroughde
das große bounty bay entdeckercomic, die moderne form der photo-lovestory -

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