Sunday 19 May 2013

Penny Singleton

Penny Singleton
photo to cartoon character
Image by Alan Light
Photo taken at Cinecon 26, 1990 - {Penny Singleton was "Blondie" in the 1940's Blondie movies, and the voice many cartoon characters - Permission granted to copy, publish or post but please credit "photo by Alan Light" if you can

Subject: Real Illusions #18
photo to cartoon character
Image by aerostockians1scaf.sofact
Description: >Hopefully soon I will be able to upgrade to a FLICKr pro account, and organize my photos into sets, making it a lot easier for me and for you. However as for now it is recommended that you start by reading the “Description” at Real Illusion #1 and read all the “Descriptions” in all of the Real Illusions #1 through #17, if you are to understand what is happening here with these aliens.
>These photos in Real Illusions #18 are all similar in scene but are being shot at different times in the day or evening. Time brings about changes.
>Simply view all these photos in the LARGE SIZE provided by FLICKr, and open up a new more alert, astute world for you.
>When trying to identify those Aerostockian’s that are in the photos, you should look for a HAZY BROWN IMAGE that almost looks like a Spirit. Sometimes the image is outlined and shaped by a black thin line. The eyes almost always show dark pupils and a bright white eyeball. Sometimes one or two of them appear to be completely bright white in colour and look like a cartoon character. Don’t be thrown off by the fact that they will form around a natural shape. For example if rocks and leaves have fallen to form the shape of two eye sockets and a head, then you might assume that this is all it is, simply rocks and leaves. True that is all it is unless you see those items draped or surrounded by what is a Brown Hazy Spirit. With practice you will learn to tell the difference. This is their God-given method used to facilitate concealment; and besides spirits (transparent-cloaked beings) always seek to cling to or posses something.
>As you learn what to look for, I assure you that in each photo you will readily identify nothing less than twenty (20) aliens. Usually they are in the form of snakes or animals or weird human faces. One will always see the alien because they are not spirits (you can not see spirits), they are simply bending light rays (? Or however God did it). I do not believe this is a technology of theirs; it is the functioning level that God made them at. Again providing more proof that there is a God. To become a Spirit or transparent we Earthlings must first die but not the Aerostockian’s. However I hear that our scientist are working on and will soon have this cloaking capability.
>I believe them be to humans but understanding that they come from another planet, they had to adopt for survival on their planet just like we humans of the earth had to adopt for survival on our planet. So let’s not judge or be critical of these little people because they could be here to usher us into the space age, providing the common man with a cheap spaceship technology that affords every family the ability to purchase a spaceship for the same cost of purchasing a car. The effects of Global Warming could force us down this highway.
>After all, I don’t think that God intended for all generations of earthling, to settle on not travelling the universe. With God’s seal of approval, I will teach Christ to these aliens and if at all possible they in turn will provide us Mankind with a technology that allows us to mass produce spaceships at the same cheap price of purchasing a car.
>There is a God because He is the union between us humans of the earth and those humans from other planets. The truth is that all intelligent life in the universe has the same Creator-God and the same saviour, God’s only begotten son, Christ, the link joining together all human life in the universe.
>So look closely and you will start to see a new world. In the Aerostockian world just like in our world; animals are animals and snakes are snakes and pets are pets and human type FACES are human. Each photo although sharing the same scene but not taken at the same time, will produce additional life. We humans move around, well so do the Aerostockians. You are simply looking at an alien SOCIETY, at alien daily activity. Just like us humans, they live in groups not located far apart. They are a sovereign nation of human beings. God gave them their sovereignty just like He gave sovereignty to the nations of this world.

Penny Singleton
photo to cartoon character
Image by Alan Light
Photo taken at Cinecon 26, 1990 - Penny Singleton was "Blondie" in the 1940's Blondie movies, and the voice many cartoon characters - Permission granted to copy, publish or post but please credit "photo by Alan Light" if you can

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