Tuesday 7 May 2013

Cool Photo For Cartoon images

Erskine Bowles - Caricature
photo for cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Erskine Boyce Bowles, Erskine Bowles, is a former White House Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton. He was co-chair of the failed Simpson Bowles commission.

The source image for this caricature of Erskine Bowles is a photo in the public domain from The White House Flickr photostream.

Robert Scoble - Caricature
photo for cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Robert Scoble is a technology blogger with a major presense on Twitter via @Scobleizer and blogs regularly at Scobleizer.com. He is currently involved with Rackspace building "a new community of people fanatical about tech startups" called building43. Scoble is an occasional guest on TWiT and many other podcasts.

The source image for this caricaicature of Robert Scoble is from a Creative Commons licensed photo taken by Yaniv Golan's Flickr Photostream.

Scott Walker - Caricature
photo for cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Scott Walker Shows His Colors

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker aka The Madison Mugger. Riding his motorcycle while sporting his corporate badges: Koch Industries, Eli Lilly, Walmart, Wiconsin Builders Association, AT&T, Concerned Realtors PAC, WIDPAC, ABCPAC-WIS, John Deere, Nortwestern Mutual, Realtors Political Action Committee, TDS and etc.

The source images for this caricature include a Creative Common licensed photo from theaudi0slave's Flickr photostream and a photo from the Wisconsin National Guard and taken by Tech. Sgt. Jon LaDue.

Erskine Bowles - Caricature
photo for cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Erskine Boyce Bowles, Erskine Bowles, is a former White House Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton. He was co-chair of the failed Simpson Bowles commission.

The source image for this caricature of Erskine Bowles is a photo in the public domain from The White House Flickr photostream.

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