Thursday 20 December 2012

Nice Photo Of Cartoon Character photos

New Hampshire Debate Characters - Caricatures
photo of cartoon character
Image by DonkeyHotey
New Hampshire Debate Characters

Source photos for New Hampshire Primary Characters:
Huntsman - CC from World Economic Forum's flickr photostream.
Santorum - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream. Also a photo from the Library of Congress.
Perry - CC from Robert Scoble's Flickr photostream, U.S. Army, and cliff1066.
Paul - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream and _Imaji_'s flickr photostream.
Gingrich - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Romney - CC - from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
NOTE: CC = Creative Commons licensed photo
See all related images here.

Note: No, Perry is not pointing at Romney in this image, he is just waving his toy around.

Mitt Romney's Whack a Pol Primary - Cartoon
photo of cartoon character
Image by DonkeyHotey
A cartoon about the 2012 Republican Presidential Primary that features a caricature of Mitt Romney playing Whack a Pol. The other Republican candidates caricatures are performing the traditional role of moles.

Source photos for Republican Primary Characters:
Huntsman - CC from World Economic Forum's flickr photostream.
Cain - from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
Santorum - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Perry - CC from Robert Scoble's Flickr photostream.
Paul - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Gingrich - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Romney - CC - from from Matthew Reichbach's Flickr photostream.
Roemer - dsb nola's flickr photostream.
NOTE: CC = Creative Commons licensed photo

This image was inspired by, but did not use any pixels from this Creative Commons licensed video in Emil Ovemar's Flickr photostream.

Iowa Caucus Characters
photo of cartoon character
Image by DonkeyHotey
Iowa Caucus Characters

Source photos for Iowa Causus Characters:
Huntsman - CC from World Economic Forum's flickr photostream.
Santorum - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream. Also a photo from the Library of Congress.
Perry - CC from Robert Scoble's Flickr photostream and U.S. Army.
Paul - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream and _Imaji_'s flickr photostream.
Gingrich - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Romney - CC - from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
Bachmann - Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
NOTE: CC = Creative Commons licensed photo

Iowa Caucus Characters
photo of cartoon character
Image by DonkeyHotey
Iowa Caucus Characters

Source photos for Iowa Causus Characters:
Huntsman - CC from World Economic Forum's flickr photostream.
Santorum - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream. Also a photo from the Library of Congress.
Perry - CC from Robert Scoble's Flickr photostream and U.S. Army.
Paul - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Gingrich - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Romney - CC - from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
Bachmann - Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
NOTE: CC = Creative Commons licensed photo

Iowa Caucus Characters - Caricatures
photo of cartoon character
Image by DonkeyHotey
Iowa Caucus Candidates - Characters

Source photos for Iowa Causus Characters:
Huntsman - CC from World Economic Forum's flickr photostream.
Santorum - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream. Also a photo from the Library of Congress.
Perry - CC from Robert Scoble's Flickr photostream, U.S. Army, and cliff1066.
Paul - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream and _Imaji_'s flickr photostream.
Gingrich - CC from Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
Romney - CC - from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
Bachmann - Gage Skidmore's flickr photostream.
NOTE: CC = Creative Commons licensed photo
See all related images here.

Note: No, Perry is not pointing at Romney in this image, he is just waving his toy around.

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