Sunday 16 December 2012

Cool Make Cartoon Face From Photo images

Mitt Mobile in the Final Stretch
make cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Mitt Romney, is pictured here driving his 80's model Chevy station wagon on the road to Election Day 2012. He is accompanied by his wife Ann Romney, running mate Paul Ryan, and one of his major benefactors Sheldon Adelson. Adelson is one of the Election Robber Barons flooding political Super Pacs with cash in 2012. Sheldon is making everyone uncomfortable by incessantly asking Daddy Mitt, "Are we President yet?" Ann Romney has an adhesive bandage over her lips "so that people don't get tired of her." Paul Ryan is leaning as far to the right as he can to separate himself from Romney. His worried face is out the window and he is waving a sign that says, "Ryan 2016 - TeaPublican Party." The Republican elephant is strapped to the roof of the wagon in an RNC pet carrier. We are fortunate not to be able to see the streaming effluent being evacuated by the terrified animal. Romney is not worried about damage to the baggage that has fallen from the roof after the rear tire went flat when he ran over a chair in the road. Or was it a video camera?. He blithely puts the pedal to the metal unconcerned about damage to 47 percent of Americans, Detroit and the American auto industry, women's rights, teachers, gay rights, Social Security, Medicare, etc. Black Americans are not even visible in his rear view mirror. Romney does hold on tight to protect his copy of the Book of Mormon. The Mitt Mobile shows signs of wear and tear after so many hard miles. The stickers from the Cayman Islands and Switzerland are getting soiled. You can barely read the "I would rather Bank in Switzerland" sticker. The license plate is a vanity item, "Money Ayn 2012." The wagon sports a BAIN grill, a dollar sign hood ornament and Etch-A-Sketch wheel covers. The group will stop to refuel at the Denver Debate Depot. They are hoping gas prices won't be too high and the cookies from the 7-11 will give them new confidence and energy.

Source images adapted:
- Mitt Romney caricature CC from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
- Paul Ryan caricature CC from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
- Ann Romney caricature CC from
- Sheldon Adelson caricature CC avaiable via Wikimedia.
- Elephant caricature CC from Visnu Pitiyanuvath's Flickr photostream.
- Station Wagon CC avaiable via Wikimedia.

CC = Creative Commons licensed photo

Star Eyes Decide This
make cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
The Roberts Five say, "No, we said we'll uphold the principal of Star Eyes Decide This!"

All the Supreme Court Justices claimed in their confirmation hearings that they would uphold the principal of Stare Decisis when making decisions. The current team of Radical Activists on the Supreme Court have their own interpretation of Stare Decisis. The principal is when you disagree with a policy implemented in law you just view that law through special star shaped decoder glasses and the law is revealed to be unconstitutional. This is known as the principal of "Star Eyes Decide This." To paraphrase Dr. Seuss from the The Sneetches, "Right thinking judges have stars upon thars."

Wikipedia:Stare Decisis is a legal principle by which judges are obliged to respect the precedents established by prior decisions. The words originate from the phrasing of the principle in the Latin maxim Stare decisis et non quieta movere: "to stand by decisions and not disturb the undisturbed." In a legal context, this is understood to mean that courts should generally abide by precedents and not disturb settled matters.

This cartoon is presented on the occasion of the Robert's Court hearing of a case deciding the fate of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Court's decision that jails may perform suspicionless strip searches on new inmates regardless of the gravity of their alleged offenses. The Obama Administration supported the Affordable Care act, but sided with the radicals in support of strip searches for all.

Supreme Court of the United States 2011: Left to right. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito.

The source images for these caricatures are images in the public domain as follows:Clarence Thomas, John G. Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy and Samuel Alito.

The background is a photo by Carol M. Highsmith available via the Library of Congress.

Mitt Mobile Leaving Denver
make cartoon face from photo
Image by DonkeyHotey
Mitt Romney, is pictured here, in Etch-A-Sketch mode, driving his 80's model Chevy station wagon on the road to Election Day 2012. He is accompanied by his wife Ann Romney, running mate Paul Ryan, and one of his major benefactors Sheldon Adelson. Adelson is one of the Election Robber Barons flooding political Super Pacs with cash in 2012. Sheldon is making everyone uncomfortable by incessantly asking Daddy Mitt, "Are we President yet?" Ann Romney has an adhesive bandage over her lips "so that people don't get tired of her." Paul Ryan is leaning as far to the right as he can to separate himself from Romney. His worried face is out the window and he is waving a sign that says, "Ryan 2016 - TeaPublican Party." The Republican elephant is strapped to the roof of the wagon in an RNC pet carrier. We are fortunate not to be able to see the streaming effluent being evacuated by the terrified animal. Romney is not worried about damage to the baggage that has fallen from the roof after the rear tire went flat when he ran over a chair in the road. Or was it a video camera?. He blithely puts the pedal to the metal unconcerned about damage to 47 percent of Americans, Detroit and the American auto industry, women's rights, teachers, gay rights, Social Security, Medicare, etc. Black Americans are not even visible in his rear view mirror. Romney does hold on tight to protect his copy of the Book of Mormon. The Mitt Mobile showed signs of wear and tear after so many hard miles, but came out of Denver looking much better. The tire was fixed, a Turbo Lievinator was installed and the after a complete detailing an "I heart Denver" sticker was slapped on. The stickers from the Cayman Islands and Switzerland are still a little soiled. You can barely read the "I would rather Bank in Switzerland" sticker. The license plate is a vanity item, "Money Ayn 2012." The wagon sports a BAIN grill, a dollar sign hood ornament and Etch-A-Sketch wheel covers. The group will stop to refuel again at the Kentucky Debate Centre. They are looking forward to a friendly reception and still count on the cookies from 7-11 giving them continued confidence and energy.

Source images adapted:
- Mitt Romney caricature CC from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
- Paul Ryan caricature CC from Gage Skidmore's Flickr photostream.
- Ann Romney caricature CC from
- Sheldon Adelson caricature CC avaiable via Wikimedia.
- Elephant caricature CC from Visnu Pitiyanuvath's Flickr photostream.
- Station Wagon CC avaiable via Wikimedia.

CC = Creative Commons licensed photo

Martin Baker Mk-F7 suggested colors cartoon
make cartoon face from photo
Image by wbaiv
- after the Ejection Site's photo . NOT dimensionally accurate, but pretty to look at and complete enough to give context to the colors. Still missing the head-rest cushion completely. Goes between the face curtain handles and the parachute top.

8/15/12: FINALLY fix the seat bottom cushion color to an actual golden brown. The Paintbrush "palate" option helped here, I gave it the photo I am using as a reference and and I clicked around on it to get the four top rows of discrete colors parked behind at the back of the seat-pan - its brown unless its green: Sounds like Olive Drab to me... I thought I'd make a 'normal', 'light' and 'dark' set like the red and gray green and WarPac green gray at the bottom, but there turned out to he a fourth, 'really dark' tone. That's the top row. 'Dark' is the second row, four slightly different colors with no divisions, then 'light" below that, two basic blobs, neither very green. Finally, 'normal'. The pretty green at the fifth row down was just an attractive color in the reference photo. Something like the 34127 Jungle Green used for 1950s and 60s military uniforms.

10/8/12 upgraded image again. Much smoother and more uniform. Various geometric holidays and lack of forethought now corrected. Seat bottom cushion color isn't right but just that one golden brown bit. everything else is a fair representation. Plenty of opportunity for improvement, but you get to see what my color matches produce using commercially available colors.
In particular, the two black, back, cushions, and the golden-brown one on the base of the seat are sometimes seen with reversed colors - black seat bottom, brown/olive drab back cushions.

Most interesting and clever, to least:
The fiberglass parachute container is Poly Scale British Brown Drab, PC-10. Model Master RLM 2 Grau is a useful 'lightened' version. The actual part is a peculiar shade and the Brown Drab is s good match - maybe that's what they had in mind?

The cloth cover over the top of the parachute is one of those shiny, part or all-synthetic fabrics that aircrew jackets and jump suits and anti-G suits, etc, are made from. The basic color is Polly Scale British interior Gray Green. Since its a protective cover, without padding or quilting, it makes a very irregular surface over the parachute, so I use little stripes of Model Master WarPac Gray Green, which is noticably more yellow, as well as tints and tones of Interior Gray Green mixed with a little white or a little black, to try to show what the highlights and shadows look like. I'm afraid the effect is something like "tiger" pattern combat uniforms but how this looks and how the real thing look are not that far apart. IMHO.

Testor's color samples on their web site are big, rounded, flattened shapes, like huge paint drops. A certain amount of the color is shown "Shaded" in the upper left, a certain amount shown "Lightened" in two fake reflections on lower left and the curve of the outside edge of the lower right. So the two blobs of paint, top right on this drawing, are PS Br. Interior Gray Green at top, MM WarPac Gray Green lower down. In each case, the top color is the basic nothin' fancy, the middle band is lightened and the lower band is darkened.

The case of the survival kit, under the seat bottom cushion, is painted PS British Interior Gray Green overall, but the paint wears around the edges of the (plastic?) box, exposing a glossy green which is either a tougher finish or perhaps the color of the plastic material. Polly Scale Medium Green (AN 602) or 34102 or other contemporary Medium Green are a good choce. i

A variety of off-blacks for the drogue chute box, the beam, shroud behind the parachute, and the seat pan itself. Satin finish - no gloss, but black anodize looks close

Two further off-blacks for the fabric-texture black back cushion (the tall one) and the thicker lumbar cushion. The Mk H7 for US Navy F-4 Phantoms has a shaped lumbar support, the Mk-F7 seat for the Navy's F-8 Crusaders had flat cushions. Model Master and Polly Scale have produced a variety of near-blacks - semi-gloss black, Grimy Black, RLM 66 Black, Airframe Interior Black. I use all of those but also mix some of my own- "Grimy Black" seems too light to me- a dark gray, not 'black'


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