Wednesday 12 June 2013

Nice Photo To Cartoon Caricature photos

Joe Biden's zipper is open
photo to cartoon caricature
Image by DonkeyHotey
Vice President Joe Biden opens up to the press.

Markos Moulitsas, Satan
photo to cartoon caricature
Image by DonkeyHotey
Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos is the Great Orange Satan according to Bill O'Reilly and the right wing blogs.

Mitt Romney - Mr. 1% on the hunt for the Soon-to-Haves
photo to cartoon caricature
Image by DonkeyHotey
Mitt Romney, in traditional hunting attire accessorized with a dog whistle and a Morman pin, riding a Republican Elephant. The elephant is traversing a landscape cluttered with a Tea Party hunting dog, a Don't Tread on Me" rattle snake, and loose money. A raven or crow is perched on the elephant's trunk symbolizing "The Trickster." The Citzens United plane is carpet bombing the scene with campaign dollars.

Willard Mitt Romney aka Mitt Romney is a former Governor of Massachusetts and a perenial Republican presidential candidate. He is a Republican presidential candidate for 2012.

Image sources:
Mitt Romney's face: CC from nmfbihop's Flickr photostream.
Elephant: CC from Visnu Pitiyanuvath's Flickr photostream.
Crow / Raven: : CC from Grand Canyon NPS Flickr Photostream.
Fox hunter and hunting dog: a photo by Carol Highsmith available via the Library of Congress.
Rattle Snake: CC's from plural's flickr photostream and Jeffery Love's flickr photostream.
Jet: a photo from Nasa.

CC = Creative Commons licensed photo.

Barack Obama "Alooooha!"
photo to cartoon caricature
Image by DonkeyHotey
President Barack Obama brought a little aloha spirit to Washington. Yes we thought we could back then.

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