Friday 7 June 2013

Nice Funny Cartoon Photo photos

Robot Heroes: Soundwave... "Smokin'...'"
funny cartoon photo
Image by Joriel "Joz" Jimenez
Well Cybertron's most charismatic lamp post Soundwave... smokin'...

I'll whip up a funny later where he freaks out discovering Ravage is no longer a cassette.

Stay tuned.

Done it. Check out: Soundwave Rolls Out

English Seaside Postcards - I'm having luck in the pools down here."
funny cartoon photo
Image by TempusVolat

Office Humor Wall
funny cartoon photo
Image by programwitch
This was an unused white board in a hallway at near my office. I've been taping up geek humor on it for last few years. Every once in a while I'll catch a coworker just standing in my hallway reading and laughing to themselves.

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