Saturday 1 June 2013

Cool Cartoon Me Photo images

20100802 1206 - Cape Cod - Fish Market - boats with names that are things we like - IMG_1609
cartoon me photo
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Buoy-carrying boat.

Two things that we like: The Misfits (one of my favorite 3 bands), and Rugrats (which we used to watch during college breaks) (plus we got married in front of a Rugrats poster).

Carolyn & Clint were wandering around wondering what to do when they got a call from Carolyn's mom. "I need someone with a camera to come to the fish market!" It was fun to see the seals and seagulls swimming around waiting for scraps. It was also neat (and gross) to watch the fish being loaded up into the machine and then slide down the slide to be packed into boxes for the trucks.

Miss Fitz boat, Rug Rats boat, boats, buoys, channel.
cartoon: Rugrats. music: The Misfits.

fish market, Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

August 2, 2010.

... Read my blog at

BACKSTORY: Carolyn's family reunion was at Cape Cod this year. We stayed at the Chatham Bars Inn. It was a lot of fun, and we were happy to see everyone.

found this in a closet
cartoon me photo
Image by WhatDaveSees
when I was a fat baby, my parents printed up T-shirts with this cartoon on them and gave them to friends and family

Renka's new look
cartoon me photo
Image by Renée S.
Thanks to the talented Ms. JC, I am the proud owner of a new avatar. I think she's captured me in my moment of glory... ;) Behold! I can look cute while scarfing a loaf of bread. From the thumbnail I had at first thought that the bread was perhaps my little cartoon body, but only to realize 0.5 sec later that it's something delicious!

Albert Schweitzer claims that happiness is the key to success. The Beatles may sing that happiness is a warm gun. But according to cartoon Renée, happiness is a fresh loaf of (artisan!) bread. :)

Thanks JC! I <3 my new avatar almost as much as I <3 bread... and you know that means A LOT!

20091226 - Christmas presents - clothes - shirts, purple pillow - GEDC1314
cartoon me photo
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Yay clothes! (Carolyn wrote that. I'm still not as excited by clothes in general as Carolyn. I blame her womanhood.)

That purple pillow is the exact kind of pillow [but in pink] that Oranjello used to exclusively knead, before he switched to her purple sweater.

clothes, pillow, present, purse, shirts.
cartoon: Transformers.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

December 26, 2009.

... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at

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