Friday 14 June 2013

Nice How To Cartoon A Photo photos

In Focus; David Lasky
how to cartoon a photo
Image by "CAVE CANEM"
Here's one-half of the team that were our enthuisastic guides through the "zine jam," creative process and how everything from "cosmo clippings," typewriters, to your own scribbles can be fodder of "your voice." They also did the cover and the first four pages of the final books. (The girl in the background is Elena Moffet)

David Lasky (b. 1967 in Washington, D.C.) is an alternative cartoonist based in Seattle, Washington.
After spending the bulk of his life in Virginia, and graduating from the College of William & Mary, Lasky moved to Seattle in 1990. He quickly found a circle of young comic book artists — including Jon Lewis, Megan Kelso, Tom Hart, Ed Brubaker, and Jason Lutes — drawing and publishing their own work. With them, Lasky aspired to take clichéd or neglected genres of comics and revitalize them with the lessons learned from the first wave of alternative comics.
Lasky's first two full-length comic books, Arrabbiata Comics and Monster City Comics, were created in collaboration with printmaker Paul Bonelli under the name Fistball Productions. In 1993, Lasky won a grant from the Xeric Foundation to self–publish his comic Boom Boom. With this nudge, Boom Boom graduated from its minicomic format, added a color cover, and began to take on its mature form as part history, part graphic novel, part surreal cartography. Lasky used the layout style of Jack Kirby for the James Joyce biography in Boom Boom #2.
Throughout the 90s, Pulse magazine (a now defunct publication of Tower Records) published a series of Lasky's comic biographies and musical impressions. These full-page cartoons were collages of image, text and story that stretched the limits of comic art and became a kind of visual essay. Those featured included Beethoven, Bob Dylan, and legendary saxophonist Lester Young.

Twice 11/i365
how to cartoon a photo
Image by the girl who owns the world
Monday March 1, 2010 I love that I care a lot about other people even if some people think its a weakness. I love that about me.

Don't talk to the wood. The wood is carved and stained. It can't listen to you anymore no matter how much you want it to. It doesn't understand.

Don't talk to the universe. The universe says its too busy. It can't process you and entertain your meager thoughts when it has to process the stars, and light algorithms.

Your shelf left you three weeks ago. You can't put anything on it anymore because it decided it had its own stories to bind and carry between its rows.

Don't even approach the stone. You're still wiping the blood off your cheek from the last time you tried.

Talking to the grass might work, but only one out of every hundred talk back to you. Even then, the grass is busy and sways about in a way you'll never be able to.

The guitar never did listen when you said a thing to it. It threw notes and chords down your throat and couldn't grasp much after the letter G. It still thinks you're someone you're not.

You could talk to the courtyard. Occasionally the interested come by and leave powdered whispers in your ears. They pose and fix their hair too much to really empathize though.

You can talk to the box. The box listens and sometimes gives good advice back. But, it only opens once every two weeks. When it shuts its lid, its like it doesn't exist.

You should stop talking to binary code. It has a thousand other things to do than to answer your queries and entertain your thoughts. It's just as busy as you are. You should apologize to it for burdening it with so much.

What about the birds? The doves and the bluejay? They are around enough, but they have wings and you do not. You can't leave like they can. You aren't free like they are. You don't know what the wind feels like on your back above the trees.

You talk to lines the most. You feel safe even though you know its only arbitrary. You feel cozy and entrapped at the same time. No one really likes the lines even if they don't say it. You can guess that from the way they talk about them. Straight and curved. You talk and talk and talk to them even though its not good for you.

You make more lines with the lines and nobody likes lines so you try to build them into the cartoon version of your life. Make them have a purpose. Make them form your shapes on the storybook pages.

You're successful for the most part. Sometimes you will want to tell the universe, or the wood. You'll hint to the grass, the box, and birds. You might slip a word to the binary code, your shelf, and the courtyard. Never the guitar or stone. And you'll feel really lonely, except you'll have the lines. There can be as many of them as your like. They all tell you to get rid of the lines. The ones that know you two are friends. The lines are a bad influence. They aren't healthy and are deceptive and only make drawings visible when there's so much more behind the paper.

But how can you give them up? They are so clear. They listen. You know what they do. They will always have time for you. They will always be there to help you explain your world. You've never known of anything else.

Tagged Photo
how to cartoon a photo
Image by vintagesignman
Tag: I guess this is what I need to do?!?

1. I love my life... I love my wife and kids, my boys are my best friends. I try not to take life too seriously, we are here for only a short time and I try to enjoy all the minutes I have. I tend to piss people off with comments, because I try to always turn things into a joke.
2. I'm crass, bet you didn't know that! You can't make crass without an ass!
3. I love what I do for a living, but it also drains my creativity with photography and some of my other hobbies.
4. I'm a bit of a bastard, my wife calls me "House"(from the tv show) sometimes. I love to argue things that make people mad. Politics and sports with my brothers, I tend to hope for the best in our leaders no matter what party they belong to.... it pisses my brothers off.. he he.
5. I'm a strange nerd, even nerds find me strange. My mind is very strange.
6. I love odd cartoons like Sponge Bob and The misadventures of Flap Jack.
7. I'm 1 of 6 kids, but am very much the odd one out... my siblings are very stuffy, and full of money... I'm less money and very crass, but my mom loves me and laughs at my stupid humor. My siblings don't understand why.... I made my Dad laugh out loud, I was coming out of surgery, still a lot stoned and was talking to my Mom, I asked her how my "Add-a-dick-to-me" went, I hoped the "black" one took, and that my wife will now be happy...
8. I'm not very religious, but believe in a Heavenly Father. Too many religions teach fear and hate.
9. I only get drunk about 3 times a year.
10. I'm turning 40 in February, but I don't plan on ever growing up.
11. I listen to what some people would call "odd" music. Beta Band, Caribou, Four tet, Andrew Bird etc...
12. I miss living in California, but the California I knew as a child, with orange groves and clean beaches.... *sigh*
13. I like living in Utah, I love Jeeping and hiking... some great outdoors here. I love to fish, but I don't hunt, which is odd here.
14. I drive the speed limit and don't let people piss me off on the roads.
15. I love the TNP group on Flickr, whenever I'm slow at work, I pop on to see what kind of craziness I can get into. I love to get "lmao" comments from the stupid things I do there.
16. I'm a softy, I cry during movies and tv shows like Extreme Makeover, I pick up hitch hickers and try to help when and where I can. I like to use my talent to give back. I believe in paying it forward.

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