Monday 25 March 2013

Nice Cartoon Character From Photo photos

Painting of St. Abbo, Church of Bet Mercurios, Lalibela, Ethiopia
cartoon character from photo
Image by A. Davey
If I need proof that looking isn't the same as seeing, all I need to do is think back on my visit to the Church of Bet Mercurios in Lalibela, Ethiopia.

Now that I've looked at the photos from that visit, I realize the church houses three paintings of St. Abbo.

Until then, I hadn't the foggiest recollection of what I'd seen in Bet Mercurios, much less that I'd come across three very different interpretations of a distinctive story from Ethiopian religious history.

During such visits, would I be better off living in the moment and really seeing my surroundings instead of photographing them?

I think the answer is no. My memory is not photographic. Given how quickly visitors pass through these important sites, it would be astonishing if I could remember I'd seen three paintings illustrating the same story, much less remember the details.

With photographs, I'm effectively augmenting my memory, all the better for me and for anyone who views my photos of Ethiopia.

Now that we have that out of the way, a refresher is in order. According to flickerite PJBayens, who identified this saint for me in a painting several churches ago:

"Saint Gebre Menfes Kidus, more popularly known as Saint Abbo . . . founded the monastery on Mount Zuqwala (various spellings)."

"Like the Western St. Francis, he's portrayed with animals--and clothed in his own body hair. He's featured in one of the stained glass windows in the church of Tekle Haymanot in Debre Libanos."

This painting of St. Abbo is remarkable for the detail with which his clothing is rendered. Other paintings hint at this configuration and pattern, but this is the only painting in which the details of the clothing are fully realized. If you're wondering what that fabulous fabric is, go back a paragraph and re-read the description of St. Abbo.

Ok, so what about St. Abbo's posse of big cats?

Here, they're more realistic than their counterparts in other paintings, which is to say they're not goofy-looking cartoon characters.

In fact, this collection of lions and leopards is all business, staring intently at the viewer. With these beasts, I'd probably want to ask St. Abbo for permission to approach instead of sauntering up to the nearest lion and scratching it under the chin.

If you'd like to see all the paintings of St. Abbo I photographed in Ethiopia, please follow this link:

Church of Bet Mercurios, Lalibela, Ethiopia.

The Finalé Medal
cartoon character from photo
Image by Si Jobling
The first artwork submission for the last One Phat DJ Podcast mix due out Friday 12th September "The Finalé".

This fine piece created by designer Oliver Ker draws in many elements from previously featured podcast artwork, including Sam Hardacre's cartoon character and James John Malcolm's Colourful Crescendo stripes.

Shibaura Water Reclamation Center and Buildings in Konan Area
cartoon character from photo
Image by ykanazawa1999
Shibaura Water Reclamation Center exists at the north of "Sony Headquarter Building", the east of "NTT Docomo Shinagawa Building", and the south of "Well-known Low-ceilinged Tunnel in Shinagawa".

A cartoon character of the earth is written on the center, but it is hard to see from here. On Google map, it is clearly visible.

Taken from Shibaura Central Park.

Childhood Meme
cartoon character from photo
Image by ohdearbarb
1. Barbie and Ken in blue & white stripes, 2. IMG_5648, 3. rollerskates-pinup, 4. All Hail the Candy Star!, 5. my 1st charm bracelet! ♥, 6. Hollie 50-150, 7. Tasty Trio!, 8. project central, 9. *tip-toes* {207/365}, 10. dolphin's dance, 11. Vintage Fisher Price "Play Family House", 12. Crature from the forgotten forest #1

1. What was your nickname as a child? __Barbie!
2. What was your favorite food as a child? __I loved Baskin Robbins Chocolate Ice Cream.
3. What was the theme of your favorite childhood birthday? __Rollerskating :o)
4. What were you punished most often for? __Taking candy from strangers >.>
5. What special talent or skill did you have? __I'm an awfully good charmer, up until now.
6. What was the name of your first best friend? __Hollie.
7. What was your favorite cartoon character or superhero? __My Little Pony!
8. What did you want to be when you grew up? __I wanted to become a teacher.
9. Who did you look up to? __I was (am) short, so, I looked up to everybody.
10. What elementary school did you attend? __I went to two: Sullivans home of the dolphins in Japan & Aliamanu home of the falcons in Hawaii.
11. What was your favorite game to play? __House!
12. What was your biggest fear as a child? __Leprechauns.

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