Monday 18 March 2013

Cool Make A Photo Cartoon images

Mitt Romney - The King of Bain visits London
make a photo cartoon
Image by DonkeyHotey
Mitt Romney making a good impression in the old country.

Willard Mitt Romney, aka Mitt Romney, is a former Governor of Massachusetts and is the Republican presidential candidate for 2012. Romney was Co-founder and former CEO of Bain Capital.

The source image for this caricature of Mitt Romney is a Creative Commons licensed photo from Matthew Reichbach's Flickr photostream. The source for the Kings uniform is a photo of the King of Spain originally published by Bain News Service and available from the Library of Congress. The background image is a Creative Commons licensed photo from David Holt's Flickr photostream. The tourch image is from a Creative Commons licensed photo from Loz Pycock's Flickr photostream.

simon cowell
make a photo cartoon
Image by timsnell
before rage against the machine came on stage they played an animated video of simon cowell, surrounded by his many riches, lamenting rage's victory in getting to christmas number one. this was met with inevitable boos and jeers from the audience, particularly his comment that if the band were in x factor they wouldn't make it past boot camp. it was complete over the top pantomime which while amusing and enjoyable, threatened to undermine some the more serious and intense nature of ratm. when the band walked out and launched head-first into a storming version of testify all of these concerns left my head - they undoubtedly were for real and undoubtedly meant business.

here's the original

Sneak preview of the linocut prints
make a photo cartoon
Image by aaipodpics
While still wet, I shot a photo of one of the better linocut prints with my iPod Touch camera. Once they're dry, I'll post all 6 of them. I originally had printed 8, but one was much too light, and the other much too dark, due to the wrong amount of ink on the linoleum.

Now I know what to watch out for while designing and creating linocuts. This was a very valuable experience.

1. If you make white lines close to a solid black surface, make them thicker, so they don't fill up with ink.

2. Warm the linoleum up for easier cutting. I had to use too much force to cut away the material. This made me make "cutting accidents."

3. Don't put on too much ink. Enough is enough.

4. If the white lines start to fill with ink, clean the linocut by printing on old newsprint paper. If that doesn't help, clean the linocut with water and let it dry for a few hours.

So while you can have a 1000 prints out of a single linocut block, don't expect to do many prints in short succession. Once the ink starts to leak into the cutouts, the edges become blurred and the resulting print not as crisp. You can do 3 or 4 good prints. This is not suited for mass production, it seems.

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